Apply for a non-GPL limited license
The pChart library is released under the GNU GPLv3 license (General Public License) for non-commercial applications (if you intend to sell product integrating the pChart library then you'll have to go to the commercial license). It has been asked many time to provide an alternative way of licensing that would remove some restriction of this license. GPL may be an issue for you if :
  • You modify the library and don't want to make the sources available publicly.
  • Your software isn't released under the GPL license.
If the application you're building will be released for free (you can choose the licensing scheme that you want) then you can apply for a special license that will allow you to integrate pChart in your bundle without making it GPL. The only thing we're asking is that you allow us to publish the name of your application on our web site.

To apply for this license, just fill the following form and post it. You'll receive an answer within some days.

Your Name *   :  
Your Email *   :  
Company Name   :  
Application Name *   :  
Application URL   :  
Purpose of your application *   :